Fun with Numbers

Complete the code with the correct numeric value for each one of the variables. Look at the example for the variable one.

Test Cases

test floats - Run Test

def test_floats():
    assert one_tenth == 0.1
    assert one_half == 0.5
    assert pi == 3.14

test integers - Run Test

def test_integers():
    assert one == 1
    assert five == 5
    assert a_hundred == 100

Solution 1

# Integers
one = 1
five = 5
a_hundred = 100

# Floats
one_half = 0.5
one_tenth = 0.1
pi = 3.14  # Hint: it's 3.14 ;)
# Integers one = 1 five = ? a_hundred = ? # Floats one_tenth = 0.1 one_half = ? pi = ? # Hint: it's 3.14 ;)