Valid Passwords

For each one of the passwords provided, complete the missing variables (with a question mark ?) providing the correct operators.

Test Cases

test is longh enough - Run Test

def test_is_longh_enough():
    assert is_long_enough_pwd_1 is False
    assert is_long_enough_pwd_2 is True
    assert is_long_enough_pwd_3 is False
    assert is_long_enough_pwd_2 is True

test at least one number - Run Test

def test_at_least_one_number():
    assert has_one_number_pwd_1 is False
    assert has_one_number_pwd_2 is True
    assert has_one_number_pwd_3 is True
    assert has_one_number_pwd_4 is True

test at least one symbol - Run Test

def test_at_least_one_symbol():
    assert at_least_one_symbol_pwd_1 is False
    assert at_least_one_symbol_pwd_2 is False
    assert at_least_one_symbol_pwd_3 is True
    assert at_least_one_symbol_pwd_4 is True

test has required character - Run Test

def test_has_required_character():
    assert has_required_character_pwd_1 is False
    assert has_required_character_pwd_2 is True
    assert has_required_character_pwd_3 is True
    assert has_required_character_pwd_4 is True

Solution 1

# #### Don't change these passwords #### #
password_1 = 'Jhx85a'
password_2 = 'ajd2819adkBjld'
password_3 = '81$br&j#'
password_4 = 'kp03%$Ji19Br!rdV'
# #### Don't change these passwords #### #

# == Your Code Below == ##

## Is Long Enough
# Has at least 12 chars
is_long_enough_pwd_1 = len(password_1) >= 12  # False
is_long_enough_pwd_2 = len(password_2) >= 12
is_long_enough_pwd_3 = len(password_3) >= 12
is_long_enough_pwd_4 = len(password_4) >= 12

## Has at least one of the following numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3
has_one_number_pwd_1 = (
    '0' in password_1 or
    '1' in password_1 or
    '2' in password_1 or
    '3' in password_1)
has_one_number_pwd_2 = (
    '0' in password_2 or
    '1' in password_2 or
    '2' in password_2 or
    '3' in password_2)
has_one_number_pwd_3 = (
    '0' in password_3 or
    '1' in password_3 or
    '2' in password_3 or
    '3' in password_3)
has_one_number_pwd_4 = (
    '0' in password_4 or
    '1' in password_4 or
    '2' in password_4 or
    '3' in password_4)

## Has at least one of these characters, v, V, r, R, b, B.
has_required_character_pwd_1 = (
    'v' in password_1 or
    'V' in password_1 or
    'r' in password_1 or
    'R' in password_1 or
    'b' in password_1 or
    'B' in password_1)
has_required_character_pwd_2 = (
    'v' in password_2 or
    'V' in password_2 or
    'r' in password_2 or
    'R' in password_2 or
    'b' in password_2 or
    'B' in password_2)
has_required_character_pwd_3 = (
    'v' in password_3 or
    'V' in password_3 or
    'r' in password_3 or
    'R' in password_3 or
    'b' in password_3 or
    'B' in password_3)
has_required_character_pwd_4 = (
    'v' in password_4 or
    'V' in password_4 or
    'r' in password_4 or
    'R' in password_4 or
    'b' in password_4 or
    'B' in password_4)

## Has at least one symbol: $%#&
at_least_one_symbol_pwd_1 = (
    '$' in password_1 or
    '%' in password_1 or
    '#' in password_1 or
    '&' in password_1)
at_least_one_symbol_pwd_2 = (
    '$' in password_2 or
    '%' in password_2 or
    '#' in password_2 or
    '&' in password_2)
at_least_one_symbol_pwd_3 = (
    '$' in password_3 or
    '%' in password_3 or
    '#' in password_3 or
    '&' in password_3)
at_least_one_symbol_pwd_4 = (
    '$' in password_4 or
    '%' in password_4 or
    '#' in password_4 or
    '&' in password_4)
# #### Don't change these passwords #### # password_1 = 'Jhx85a' password_2 = 'ajd2819adkBjld' password_3 = '81$br&j#' password_4 = 'kp03%$Ji19Br!rdV' # #### Don't change these passwords #### # # == Your Code Below == ## ## Is Long Enough # Has at least 12 chars is_long_enough_pwd_1 = len(password_1) >= 12 # False is_long_enough_pwd_2 = ? is_long_enough_pwd_3 = ? is_long_enough_pwd_4 = ? ## Has at least one of the following numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3 has_one_number_pwd_1 = ? has_one_number_pwd_2 = ? has_one_number_pwd_3 = ? has_one_number_pwd_4 = ? ## Has at least one of these characters, v, V, r, R, b, B. has_required_character_pwd_1 = ? has_required_character_pwd_2 = ? has_required_character_pwd_3 = ? has_required_character_pwd_4 = ? ## Has at least one symbol: $%#& at_least_one_symbol_pwd_1 = ? at_least_one_symbol_pwd_2 = ? at_least_one_symbol_pwd_3 = ? at_least_one_symbol_pwd_4 = ?